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Rolex and theft: what to do?

Dr. N.

There is a worrying increase in cases of theft from the legitimate owners of Watches di luxury, in particular Rolex, both in the form of theft that of rapina e fraud. In this article, let's see how we can protect against these risks and preserve their valuables watches.

Rule number one: discretion

Crooks, robbers e houseplants they have in common the careful search for the people to hit. THE social they are, today, the main hunting ground for the bad guys. Avoid to exhibit your new Rolex Submariner su Instagram, unless yours is a private profile and cannot be traced back to you and your residence. Always remember that any information you put online, once uploaded to the internet, is no longer under your control.

Rule number two: beware of too good deals

I Fraudsters they exist because i exist chickens. If anyone offers you a watch at too low a price, perhaps with the classic excuse "I need money quickly", beware of it. Those who need immediate realization go to a I buy gold and sells his own there clock, it seldom seeks private buyers.

Rule number three: always ask an expert

Chronosect is different from all other watches, because we accept adverts solo da Certified Sellers. Whatever watch or jewel you see on Chronosect it can be traced back to a jewelery shop or a trader with a regular VAT number and with years of extensive experience in the field. By purchasing from one of ours Chronosect Certified Sellers, or even just inquiring with them for their purchases and sales, you are guaranteed to deal with professionals of proven good faith e correctness.

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