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How to store the watch when not in use

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Dr. N.

It is quite common to own more than one wristwatch these days. After all, the availability of cheap watches by brands such as Seiko, Orient, Tissot, Hamilton, Citizen, Lorenz, Festina, Sector, Citizen and many others, means that even with modest sums you can put together a watch collection.

But when you own more than one watch, you are forced to wear them in turns, leaving some aside. So what to do for put a watch away without damaging it? IS what to do before putting the watch back on your wrist? Let's see it together.

A note before starting: we will not deal here with aspects relating to the protection of watches from the risk of theft. The topic of danger from thieves will be discussed in a forthcoming article.

A display like this is the dream of many enthusiasts, but is it the best way to store watches when not in use?

How to put away a quartz watch

A battery-operated clock with hands can be put away for a few months with the crown taken out, so as to prevent the hands from rotting, so as to save battery. When you want to put the watch back on your wrist, just reinsert the crown and adjust the time, so that the watch starts working again. Be careful though: leaving a quartz watch with the battery inserted for a year or more can cause damage. The battery of a watch, after long periods, can oxidize, forming salts, which in the worst cases can irreparably damage the movement. Not to mention that an oxidized battery often deforms, making it difficult to extract and perhaps damaging the movement itself through mechanical action. In short, If you put away a battery-powered watch for more than a few months it is best to remove the battery. 

Obviously if your battery-powered watch is digital it does not have a winding crown that can stop it. In this case, if it is a model with a long-lasting battery - there are quite a few that last ten years - that's it let it work: it is unlikely to cause problems. If it is a model with a shorter battery life, all you have to do is let it run until it turns off, and then replace the battery. The important thing is not to leave it with the battery exhausted for a long time.

Like putting away a mechanical watch

Unlike what we have seen for battery-operated clocks with hands, this should not be the case Never put away a mechanical watch with the crown pulled out. This is for two reasons:

  • The winding shaft is exposed to shocks that can damage it;
  • There is a risk of moisture and dust entering the movement.

The mechanical watch must therefore be put away with the crown in the running, non-adjusting position: that is, pushed all the way in if by pressure, or screwed completely if by screw.

If you have a charge maintainer, you can use it to continue running the clock. Otherwise, let it calmly unload with the crown in place!

A power maintainer is very useful for those who own complicated watches with a calendar

La position where the watch is stored, contrary to what you think, it's not that important. If the watch remains stationary for months, whether it is placed face down, up or on its side matters little: the position in which it is placed has a huge impact on whether the watch is running, but we will talk about this elsewhere.

It is also very important to prevent the watch from being exposed to sudden changes in temperature and electromagnetic fields. So:

  • Store the mechanical watch in a place with a constant temperature, free of humidity. Don't worry, a drawer in your home is fine, you don't need a cellar...
  • Be careful of direct sunlight, such as that which may enter a glass display;
  • Absolutely avoid placing the watch near household appliances such as the refrigerator or television. A simple smartphone app is enough to control the intensity of the magnetic fields in a certain point of the house. It is advisable to use it in order to avoid unpleasant surprises;
  • Pay attention to any magnets present in the drawer or cabinet closure: keep them away from your timepieces.

The watch should then be placed in a case that protects it from knocks and scratches. The original box is ideal but, if you have nothing better and you are in an emergency, you can use an unsightly, albeit functional, sock around the watch. But, as soon as you can, get a real case: it's cheap and makes a good impression if you want to show the watch to someone. 

How to choose the ideal case? The important thing is that it does not have surfaces that could mark cases and bracelets. So it must be well padded. There are many types: the one below is particularly good because it also has an integrated strap pocket and pads that keep your strap in the natural position.

A quality watch box is always a good investment for the enthusiast

And when should I put the watch back on my wrist?

By following these few rules, you will be able to ensure that your beloved watches are preserved well and are ready to use when you want to put them back on your wrist. About that, what should you do to wear a watch that has been stopped for a long time?

An important precaution is to wind the watch manually, even if it is automatic. Most automatic watches have the option of manual winding using the crown. It must not be abused, because the spindle and the various gears are undersized compared to what happens in pure manual winding; However, for resetting the time after a period of rest, it is recommended to use manual winding, in order to give full torque to the barrel spring. This is essential to bring the watch to maximum charge and make it work at its best, with beneficial effects on precision and operating autonomy. Consider that automatic winding alone has difficulty bringing a watch to its maximum charge: it is able to keep an already charged watch running, yes, by replenishing the energy lost during the night, but if you want to start from a standstill , an initial "push" with manual winding helps the entire movement to function properly. Read the manual: if you don't have it, know that, approximately, forty rotations of the winding crown are enough to bring the barrel to maximum tension.

And what if the watch is an automatic which, like the Seiko 5 up to the series preceding the current one, does not integrate the possibility of manual winding? All that remains is charge it with a nice walk outside, the best way to power an automatic. A sedentary lifestyle is not very suitable for mechanical watches. However, picking up the watch and shaking it to bring it to maximum charge is not recommended: it is an effort that unnecessarily aggravates the mechanical effort, as well as exposing you to the risk of dropping the watch to the ground.

Finally, a piece of advice that never hurts. If your watch has been stopped for a long time, consider having it serviced overhauled by a specialized technician, like those of ours network of Chronosect certified laboratories

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