

Online watch portal


When registering on Chronosect, each merchant undergoes a complete verification of their identity. The brand CERTIFIED SELLER is only issued to merchants who, based on the experience of Chronosect in collaboration with various trade associations and their users, they are characterized by particular qualities of reliability and reliability.

The CERTIFICATE SELLERO is a commercial watch retailer who undertakes to comply with certain conditions and identifies with the symbol (pennant).

These conditions provide that:

  • provide to the platform Chronosect truthful information about your person and your company
  • markets exclusively original products from reliable sources
  • describe the status of your goods in a truthful way and provide information on any defects or damage to them both in the text and with images
  • stands out for fairness and reliability and puts correct conduct in transactions first.


The violation of one or more of these conditions can result in the definitive loss of the trademark CERTIFIED SELLER or, in the most serious cases, expulsion from Chronosect.

If you have any doubts about the reliability of a merchant ask Chronosect (+393668757570), we will give you all the useful information to clarify all your doubts.